Yuvaraj Family...

Yuvaraj Family...
A blending of two worlds...then there were 3-

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Prayer


Enjoying everyday with my baby....knowing we will not be here long, praying to not miss walking in the present, for finding new for joy in WHO HE is!

My hubby sits on the floor in his lunge with Tamil Bible in hand covered in a traditional woven slip full of colors. Baby blows bubbles with eyes wide open catching every word as Daddy reads in his mother tongue beginning from Genesis.
These moments have been my greatest treasures, I close my eyes trying to permanently imprint them on the memories of my mind.

Luxuries I have so enjoyed in these months here in the states that will not be afforded to me later…
Daddy with us during the day! (not having a church here to lead) (The long hugs with just a little one beside us, the laughs, prayer together, the nonsense of chasing each other around a two room apartment on lazy afternoons-pure delight)
Carpet! (Much of life is spent on the floor…reading, working, eating out of habit.)
QUIET! All around us is silent…..wait, listen….it’s only the birds. Amazing. I covet this most upon each return from India…..truly unattainable living in the city in Madras.

The Lord continues to call-
He calls me to Himself. He calls me to be quiet.
He draws me in His love, to come, to hide inside,
To see Him, to bend, to die.
To hide away and rest awhile in the bosom of His care,
To discover He is all I need in this life beyond imagination,
As I quiet my mind and listen to Him, all I need is here.
What a wonder, what joy, what a comfort to know HE is
Beyond all comprehension and it is He Who holds our life.
If, my daughter, my love, my beloved, you can see, then only you will know…
if, my molly, you can die to the thing that is not Me…
Then only your heart eyes will open and you will begin
To truly see.
I am.
Let my love alone be enough.
Let My Name, Myself be your all sustaining grace.
Do not become tossed about and swayed with your emotions.
Do not let love of family, comfort, safety, quiet, peace
Be greater than Your view of Me.
For only as you learn to die, to let go of all you’d like
To hold—only then will I show You in Myself is all you’ll ever

Feeling deep conviction for loving too much.
I did not see how much of myself I was giving away…
Love to family, love to friends, love of even the simple things.
Love for 'my' music, loving personal space, loving time with husband
That soon won’t be mine. Loving even the hold of a fine spatula…
The rubber grip in hand…baking in America is pure luxury.
Oh how I will miss it! Forgive me, Lord--let my LOVe for You replace
every other morsel and delight until YOu and You alone become the
joyful and amazing sound of every moment, of my day and longing
of my night! Just to sit a while in Your Word and hang there upon the truth, this is my desire, to be filled up here only in You.
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